Warm Hearts helps Ukrainians from the first days of the war. We have already managed to accommodate and adapt more than 60 people in the new location. We not only help to get to the country in the fastest and most convenient way, but we accompany and support in a new place as well.


Warm Hearts brought together Ukrainians and Swedish friends who help those who have just arrived in the country. We provide information regarding language clubs, courses, individual tutoring. We also help with job search and document registration.


Warm Hearts helps Ukrainians in Sweden to adapt as quickly as possible. That's why our volunteers are always in touch and ready to answer the most pressing questions. We provide not only social assistance and humanitarian aid. Psychological support is also one of the areas of our community.

About us

Warm Hearts - Ukrainian community in Stockholm, organized to support Ukraine and our compatriots. Our mission is to provide reliable support and assistance to people who find themselves in Sweden through the war in Ukraine.

We coordinate our forces in the following areas:

  • Information work and press center
  • Humanitarian air
  • Fundraising and things
  • Organisation of permitting events
  • Organisation of reception of refugees
  • Consultation on integration issues

Our main goal is to provide social support to refugees and asylum seekers, to promote their integration into local society. The organization of joint events and meetings helps not only to acquaint Ukrainians in Sweden with the culture, traditions and peculiarities of the country, but also to better adapt to the environment. We provide information and support people in education, language learning, job search.

Warm Hearts - is an association of Ukrainians who have lived in the country for a long time and knows everything about the way of adaptation, Swedish friends who provide all kinds of help (humanities, language courses, law, etc.) and people who have recently arrived in Sweden and are trying to feel "in their place" as soon as possible.

Awesome Image

Humanitarian Aid (kg)


Helped people


Organized projects


Team members

Our Volunteers








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